olivia valentine markonic – bio
Olivia Valentine Markonic classifies herself as more of a hobbyist than a professional photographer. She relocated back to her hometown of Millerton, NY eleven years ago. Photography became a huge part of her life when she became a mother. She was constantly taking pictures of her three girls and soon started taking photos of her friends’ children and their friends’ children. She recalls racing to the local camera shop with the film in the camera rewinding, eager to see what she had managed to freeze in time. Although she has switched to digital, she misses film. When she picked up her photos and went through them, she would instantly buy frames to put the photos in she deemed worthy. That isn’t the case so much with digital. Now we just look at photos on our computer screens!
Truth be told, Olivia isn’t skilled in Photoshop – basically what you see in her photos (besides maybe a little color enhancement) is what she saw looking through her viewfinder. However, Photoshop is something that she does hope to learn some day.
Olivia encourages everyone to slow down in this hectic life we are all living in and really look around and take in all the beauty that surrounds us.
Olivia shoots with a Nikon d7100.